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This will do some fixes for different screensizes. * Redirect arrow icon and redirect linksĭone Old requests Sitenotice and Anonnotice line color User:JaimeS Immediately after the lines hr ".


Requests Changes to consider in future Colors to set based on github code 6.7 Image invert code, no Borders, and logo name spacing.6.4 Please overwrite MediaWiki:Timeless.css code with this instead.box syntax error (and legend css hack error) 5.11 Re: Requests - Kmdenmark (talk) 17:53, Octo(UTC).Normally a tab key press will bring you to the next element but on special pages such as recent changes or watch list this dont work because the diff links are prioritized. 5.10 Re: Fix simple error - Kmdenmark (talk) 16:26, Octo(UTC) Tabbing index defines the order in which elements will receive focus when navigated by the user via the keyboard.5.9.1 Re: Correct timeless text color - Kmdenmark (talk) 17:49, Octo(UTC).5.8.1 Re: bottom banner info message - Kmdenmark (talk) 17:46, Octo(UTC).5.7.1 Re: Yellow/green view source link - Kmdenmark (talk) 17:40, Octo(UTC).5.4 Logo fixes for different screens sizes.5.1 Sitenotice and Anonnotice line color.Gadgets may be documented in MediaWiki, Wikipedia's gadget list or Wikipedia's User scripts list.


If this is a system message or skin it may be documented on or.

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To request a change to the page, add your request to the discussion page, tag several administrators or interface administrators, and add a description of your request. This page forms part of the MEpedia interface, and can only be edited by administrators or interface administrators.

  • When updating check the new code using the w3c css validator, vendor extension and "same color" errors can be ignored.
  • Each skin has a page that contains MEpedia-specific changes to the CSS code that will apply to ONLY that skin.
  • The MediaWiki:Common.css page contains MEpedia-specific changes to the CSS code that will apply to ALL skins available at MEpedia.
  • For example, a user can select either the “Pivot” skin or the “Vector” skin. However, an MEpedia user can select from a list of different skins in their user preferences.
  • The ‘skin’ contains most of the CSS code, and this basic ‘skin’ code can not be changed.
  • The CSS code that controls the MEpedia interface is stored in three locations: This includes the placement, color, size, and font of buttons, links, windows, and text. This page contains “CSS” code, which controls how the MEpedia interface displays to users.

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